
The Brenizer Method

The Brenizer Method was developed to enhance field of view showing wider angles while keeping incredible Shallow Depth of Field.

The Brenizer Method a technique of photography developed by Wedding Photographer Ryan Brenizer allows for the creation of an image exhibiting a shallow depth of field together with a wide angle of view using panoramic stitching techniques. 


How its done:  Essentially it is the same concept used by landscape photographers known as panorama stitching except instead of stitching horizontal shots together to form a wide image, the images are horizontal and vertically stitched to create a wide and tall image.  
The aperture is set at the widest setting to take full advantage of shallow DOF. 
First you focus on the subject making sure that it is sharp, when you have taken this image, switch to manual focus and moving around the subject take several images of the background you want to incorporate into the final image, making sure to overlap each image.  When you have all your images you simply, edit in merge to panorama in photoshop.  Select photo merge and photoshop will make a composite of all the images.  The result should be a sharp subject with a nice shallow DOF while field of view is wider than it would normally be achieved with just a single shot.  Give it a go,  its a great technique to master.  Results can be amazing.

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